uninformative messages (MSB3247,MSB4051)

warning MSB3247: Found conflicts between different versions of the same dependent assembly.

Seriously how is that helpful? Guess what the solution is according to VS2k8:

Double-click the warning and then select "Yes" when you get the prompt, "Do you want to fix these conflicts by adding binding redirect records in the app.config file?"
The goggles do nothing! That has to be the most pointless suggestion ever. This warning doesn’t go away, nor is there any indication in the message as to the culprit. The XML it generates points at some candidates tho.

Now on to see why the same solution builds in VS2k8, but fails when using msbuild on the command line.

Solution file warning MSB4051: Project {ED0038FA-D90E-4C84-AE64- 245BC76D2406} is referencing a project with GUID {BF209BE8-334A-45E8-940E-CFEF0 DEE21EE}, but a project with this GUID was not found in the .SLN file.
Apparently that means I’m missing an EndProject line. Wonder why that couldn’t have been fixed or brought to my attention by studio…? It can also mean that there is indeed an invalid project guid reference in one of the subproject’s csproj files. Double check the project list in the solution versus the {guid} references. One of my issues was due to that. I’m guessing studio looks up the project by name if it fails to find it by guid.