Security Security Security
Fri, Sep 17, 2004
I've always used pass phrases for my own passwords, which makes it much harder to pretent to be me. Now there are yet more reasons not to follow suit and use pass phrases, which quite frankly are easier to remember. Which do you prefer 3nQ1!9p/$
as a password or It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
. Granted the latter is quite long, but much easier to remember. Consider how many typo's are made with the former?
Smart cards and time based tokens are a pretty good idea if your serious about securing a network. I haven't jumped into the biometric camp quite yet as I have trouble believing they wont be susceptible to a replay attack.
While at RIT I took a research course on adhock networks where we looked at a few interesting ideas involving large sensor nodes being used to authenticate a person through physical location. Which I personally believe has much promise, considering our increasingly connected world. With RFID and bluetooth/zigby, it would easily be possible to provide targeted advertising and location based authentication.