rubycomplete troubleshooting
Thu, Jun 22, 2006I’ve been helping a few people in #rubyonrails who were having trouble getting rubycomplete to run. Some of them were getting omnifunc not set errors. The source of the problem is most likely the existance of a ~/.vim/ftplugin/ruby.vim file. Its existance prevents the vim runtime version of the file from running and setting the omnifunc variable properly. If you run into this either remove the file or set the omnifunc in the ftplugin file. You can find more info on the settings for rubycomplete and setting it up here.
The other issue involves custom ruby installations on OSX. It seems that the distributed OSX Vim 7 loads the default OSX ruby installation, which doesn’t have rubygems installed. So you may see a rubygems error. I’m working on a solution for this problem.