netra troubles

A little while back, I was gifted with two sun netra T1 105's. They were quite nice little 1u rackmount boxes, with no drives (including no cdrom). I recently tried to netboot freebsd onto them, with disastrous results. Apparently the freebsd boot loader will oops the machine and cause it to never boot again. If your not familiar with sun hardware, openboot (openfirmware if youre familiar with apple hardware) is their version of a bios. It doesn't give you a pretty screen with menus, you get a command line with an "ok>" prompt. Well after having freebsd's loader oops, i was left with no openboot prompt. The netras will powerup, spin up disks and whatnot but they don't seem to get anywhere.

So far I've tried using a sun keyboard to send STOP-N and STOP-A after telling the LOM (lights out management interface) to start the machine up. I've even tried pulling the nvram battery to no effect. I did notice that the motherboard has another rj45 jack facing the psu, along with two buttons. I have no documentation as to what their functions are, but I am curious.

I have in addition to trying random things that pop into my head, tried contacting anyone who has faced a similar issue. One person actually had the exact same problem. Of the two people who encountered the problem, both said their machines were now relegated to the status of oversized paperweights.

I wonder if there are any sun engineers who might be able to shine some light on my dilemma.