mythtv + vfl + ati tv wonder = krap.
Mon, Jul 19, 2004Ok, so I decided to setup my own tivo box. After having one for ~2 years in rochester (thanks to time warner, currently the best cable service i have ever had...), I was feeling the need to record shows and pause live tv.
So i setup a gentoo box (dual 500, 512mb, etc) with an ati tv wonder to capture the video. This worked fine, until i tried to use it. Myth is wonderfull and acts as I would expect it to. Then only glitch is in the video for linux driver. The tuner aparently gets mis-detected and somehow switches over to pal. The only way to deal with this (or so my research has pointed out), is to switch to using modules for the driver and passing command line arguments. Specifically "tuner=2". 2 is listed as a different card, though I assume the chipset is the same. I will be trying this tomorrow, as it is 4am and the kernel is compiling.