kensington broke my powerbook

Nice title right? Well it’s true. I have a powerbook g4 867mhz thats a bit old now and has ended it’s applecare coverage period. We had the power brick’s dc connector start smoking one day, so I replaced it with kensington adapter. I figured the kensington would be great, it had changeable tips to power different models and ipods. Well part of the power connector is now lodged in the receptacle on the laptop. There doesn’t seem to be any reasonable way to get it out of there, everything I’ve tried has failed so far. I’ve resorted to taking the latop apart, so that I can replace the DC-in board. Unfortunately a screw holding the heat sink in place refuses to be dislodged (you have to take just about everything out of the laptop in order to replace the DC-in board, imagine my joy). So at this point I am pretty pissed, mainly at kensington for making the shitty product that has brought me to this point.

It’s worth noting that we’ve been through two apple 60w power adapters, both failing due to the same issue. So while both suck, the kensington adapter sucks more as it has damaged the laptop whilst failing. The DC-in board I’ll need to replaced apparently costs ~80$. I’m going to call kensington tomorrow to complain.

<update>I’ve contacted kensington in order to file a damage claim. They seem to be have been very friendly on the phone, we’ll see how it goes when it comes time to pay for parts. I’ve taken the laptop apart , so all I need now is a replacement DC-in board. The kensington folks want me to fill out a form indicating what’s been damage and the cost of the items (based on receipts), this is going to be a little troublesome as I bought the laptop from a friend who decided he didn’t like OSX a few days after getting the powerbook. Tomorrow is round two. Here’s a picture of the actual kensington tip that left it’s center pin lodged in my powerbook:
tip picture</update>