isp change update

The change has been good overall. The bandwidth provided by Cablevision (5mb up/ 30mb down) is much better than that of AT&T (512kb up/ 6mb down) for about the same price with static ip’s. I did run into a few annoyances, first being that they couldn’t tell me what the IP range was going to be before they installed. That was one of the items I made sure to ask the salesperson before signing up. The second item has to do with the actual setup. It took ~10hrs for them to handle their stuff so that I could actually use the service to host anything. This was due to the fact that the installer didn’t actually setup the little cisco router properly (it was doing NAT instead of routing). All said and done, I’m satisfied with the actual network, even if I’m not too keen on the support. We’ll see if there are any outages, the DSL line went out once over the course of 3 years for some reason I don’t think cable will be as reliable.