compounded errors

I've recently purchased a Motorola Razr v3xxx (did they really need all those x's?) in order to get access to 3g wireless. I'm coming from a Razr v3, so the interface is familiar, and the phone seems fine. Except of course for the crashing. Anything involving data transfer will eventually cause this thing to crash. Hard, as in the softkeys no longer respond to anything. The only resolution is to pull the battery. If that weren't enough, this has unearthed an issue with pppd on my macbook.

Apparently the osx is none too fond of bluetooth devices disappearing. The ppp daemon sits in a perpetual "Disconnecting" state. Killing the process results in a zombie. I'm not certain what the Internet Connection tool checks to find the current status of the bluetooth connection, but it is inextricably linked to the pppd process which is itself stuck. At this point this requires me to reboot the macbook in order to reconnect to the net.

I wonder if anyone else has run into this pair of issues, then again this may be one of those ultra niche things. How many people could there be using bluetooth to ride their phone's network connection?